Recent content by Prevenger17

  1. Prevenger17

    Match Thread Arsenal vs Everton - Preview, Discussion, Match Report & MotM poll

    Why, do you want to mock him for suffering sexual abuse?
  2. Prevenger17

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Fantastic mate,well done
  3. Prevenger17

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Jesus Bungle, sorry to hear that mate. It's ok to be a bit lost for a while, an upheaval like that is never going to be easy. Wishing you and your family the best of luck
  4. Prevenger17

    Sad News - Our friend, Roydo

    Roydo was mentioned in a post, and it just got me thinking of him
  5. Prevenger17

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    I meant to post it in @verreauxi's corporate overreach thread, but even though there is a lot of talk about the severe stagnation of wages in relation to the cost of living, there's another more insidious type of inflation happening inside the work place. Companies have never had more access to...
  6. Prevenger17

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    What are your prospects outside of that company? Do you think it would be reasonable easy to find a new job? If so, I wouldn't even hesitate to get the hell out of there ASAP. The amount of people I know who have been signed off work in the last year is alarming. The company will tell you its...
  7. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    It really morphed about halfway through there. From Mollie McCann to the diverging etiology of radio and film equipment
  8. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    Chris, I've done live radio broadcasts, you absolutely do need to be able to hear yourself and all the segments leading in and out of yours. If you were a lone broadcaster whose entire show was a 2 hour ad-free talkathon with no guests, you might not need a monitor. But the fact is, even in...
  9. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    The other side of it is, those lapel mics are small and designed to move around inside someone's clothes. Obviously useful for a visual broadcast, but I'm sure you've seen those microphones cut out and need to be replaced on live television. They are extremely fragile, whereas in radio, where...
  10. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    To hear where you are in the show, to hear the producer's cues, to hear the ad breaks, to hear guests and broadcast partners, to hear the music breaks, to hear how your own voice is coming through, to hear audio equipment issues, to be able to stay in the rhythm of a presentation that is only...
  11. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    Quality in terms of fidelity? Maybe. But quality in terms of richness, tone and impact, absolutely not. Again, they are set up for what is considered best practice within their respective industries and formats Your assertion is that they wear those headphones and use those big microphones for...
  12. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    I fear that, despite the time and effort we have put in, Chris is still going to be grumbling about woke headphones
  13. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    I honestly can't believe I'm going to spend Saturday morning minutes doing this but I'm going to explain. Both radio and TV use what are called condenser microphones. I won't go into the science of these, but suffice to say condenser microphones capture a lot of audio detail, making them ideal...
  14. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    Yeah, you defo seem not arsed.
  15. Prevenger17

    Molly McCann is a treasure

    Come on Chris, you can figure this out