777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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I just don’t see how the Premier league can say ‘ah thanks for providing the proof of funding we asked for 8 months ago, it’s clear you are fit and proper owners despite everything else you touch crashing and burning’.

They will be as culpable as anyone when 777 ruin what is left of the club.

I just don’t see how the Premier league can say ‘ah thanks for providing the proof of funding we asked for 8 months ago, it’s clear you are fit and proper owners despite everything else you touch crashing and burning’.

They will be as culpable as anyone when 777 ruin what is left of the club.
When it comes to Everton and the PL, anything goes… if this was any other team this whole saga would have been stopped in month 3.
Next on itv2 we have a special Everton episode of can't pay won't pay. Today 4 blokes in 2 transit vans turn up at Finch farm with a high court writ. Will Moshi accept the writ or tell the bespectacled, stab vest wearing high court enforcement officer to eff off.
