Most talented player we've had in the PL era?

Most talented player we've had in the PL era?

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Pure natural ability I’m going with Lukaku.

Best match of talent and skill is Rooney. He could do anything on the pitch, I don’t think you can say the same about James.

What?! Lukaku had no first touch, dribbling was pretty poor, he was just strong fast and a good finisher. No way he’s the got the most ability.

What on earth made you include Cahill?

Hard work and application, maybe.

Talent? He had no pace, couldn't tackle, bang average passer of the ball. (On a good day)

"All he does is score goals" sums him up to a tee.

Douccore is today's version. You can excuse his all round poor play when he's scoring, when he isn't he's an absolute dog. A hard working dog, mind.
Cahill was a big game player though, one of the few in the Moyes era who didn't fill his kecks in a derby
Richard Gough - Another supremely talented player for his position, just not noticed enough cos of the league he spent basically all his career in.

( I'm sure @davek would agree with me there )
If there was a most talented self-promoter poll he'd win it. Yapping away on local radio taking about himself in the third person.

His (thankfully) brief time here was sponsored by the Echo who propagated the myth he was a 'rolls-Royce' defender, when in reality he was a Reliant Robin who pointed a lot and depended on Richard Dunne doing all the work at CB...and some mugs fell for their utter codswallop.

File under 'F' for fraud.

I really hated how Moyes handled Rooney, I remember him going on about how Everton had to protect Rooney.. and me screaming for him to play every minute of every game we were never going to keep him at Everton should have ran him to bits every game.

I don't get to many games nowadays but the season he broke through I made most of the home games. You knew you were witnessing a special player, I certainly hadn't seen anyone like him before in an Everton shirt. Anytime he picked the ball up about 40 yards from goal we were all on our feet waiting for him to run at the defence.

I do remember Kanchelskis but I was about 7/8 that season.
Cahill was a big game player though, one of the few in the Moyes era who didn't fill his kecks in a derby
No argument there.

The poll was about talent, not work ethic or 'never give up' attitude which he clearly had in spades. It's what made up for his very limited talent as a player.

A mate of mine was player liaison at Liverpool during the Cahill era and they were genuinely afraid of him whenever the derby came around
