We’re looking for our readers to kindly nominate us for an award in the Football Blogging Awards.
We were incredibly proud to have represented Everton and to have won ‘Best Football Forum’ in the past and we’re hoping to do the same again this year.
If you think we’re worthy, we’d be very appreciative of your nomination for “Best Forum”. You can vote for us using the below methods (You do not need to vote in every category);
- Vote on Twitter – click to be prompted to tweet to submit your nomination.
- Vote on Instagram – tag @GrandOldTeam on this post.
- Vote over on footballbloggingawards.co.uk
- Judge Nominations
- Or use the below embedded form if you can see it.
Nomination voting ends at 23:59 on March 24th 2019. Finalists will be announced on April 3rd.