2022/23 Sean Dyche

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If he is our future then our future will continue to be bleak.
I’m genuinely surprised how limited he is.
His in game judgement continues to be amazingly poor, lacking any indication of vision.
There are many players who lack football intelligence but I am surprised to witness a manager who also lacks this facility.
If he is our future then our future will continue to be bleak.
I’m genuinely surprised how limited he is.
His in game judgement continues to be amazingly poor, lacking any indication of vision.
There are many players who lack football intelligence but I am surprised to witness a manager who also lacks this facility.

he was out of a job for a reason…

“hi sean it’s joke fc wanna job”
I was going to ask the same. I somewhat doubt the pundits would ask that specific question, but it’s something that should have been asked.

It’s easy to say in hindsight, but the game was there to be won last night and rather than twisting, he stuck. What’s worse, could have cost us a point.

The players looked knackered. It’ll be the same players against Brighton too, which is putting more miles in their legs.
Never got asked about subs, just went on about how he is getting the team to progress by getting better stats in final 1/3 rd
Totally out of his depth

I feel even more frustrated with the manager having had a chance to reflect on it. In previous games, his inaction has perhaps been justified by a lack of options but he can’t use that excuse yesterday.

I think he’s about as small time as it gets as a manager. He genuinely sees a draws as good results. There can be no excuse not going all out for that yesterday as Leicester were spent after 70 minutes. He’s now got to somehow pick up the points he’s thrown away yesterday away at Brighton and at home to City.
Criminal from the manager not to use any subs aside from the forced one - just mind boggling when there are several players blowing out their behinds and the game is there if we take a chance and bring some legs on in midfield and attack - in think gray and Simms and onana carry the day for us.

Patterson made a complete show of Dyches calls to play holgate and godfrey at rb as well when he came on.

So frustrating.
Any manager playing Holgate and Godfrey hasn't done his homework. Leaving Keane and Iwobi on the pitch last night, too, is mind-boggling.

I suppose, in his defence, he will claim Iwobi partially redeemed himself with the goal, but if we are depending on Alex Iwobi to keep us up, stick a fork in it. We're cooked.
I just can’t get my head around the failure to freshen it up late on

…I have to admit to not thinking about substitutions those last 15mins or so. I can see why some posters think it might have made a difference from an attacking perspective but it carries risk going the other way. Bringing Iwobi off, for example, would’ve involved a whole new right side.

Had we been trailing, then the defensive risk is worth taking but the game was so finely balanced. I know I’m in a minority but substitutions we’re not in my mind.
Not going to put the boot in but you can see why he's got a win ratio now of 6 wins in his last 43 games.
That game was up for grabs for both clubs last night. Leicester threw on fresh legs to try and win it. He had options on the bench, let alone some of the players looked cooked. Dont get relegated having regrets.
I can see the 6 wins in 43 now.

Never got asked about subs, just went on about how he is getting the team to progress by getting better stats in final 1/3 rd
Totally out of his depth
We’re on a point a game now though, so it’s great, we’re improving according to the numbers and the dyche-man, so we need to pipe down is what i took from his post match comments.
I think it proper funny the amount of people having a go at Dyche for our style of play. I agree last night he should have made subs after 70 minutes but the way some of you are talking I think you think we are prime Barcelona! Not one manager including Ancelotti could get a tune out of this steaming pile of turd that is a squad, and your expecting Sean Dyche to come in and transform us, we knew what he was before he got here, he has until last night had no fit striker and he is in a very precarious position of having to keep us up, the only way to play is safe and grind it out until the end of the season in the hope we get enough points.

He has a team that hasn't won away all year, can't score goals, has very little confidence and whatever confidence there is is highly fragile all of which has been a mainstay of this team for some time. We are where we are!
Any manager playing Holgate and Godfrey hasn't done his homework. Leaving Keane and Iwobi on the pitch last night, too, is mind-boggling.

I suppose, in his defence, he will claim Iwobi partially redeemed himself with the goal, but if we are depending on Alex Iwobi to keep us up, stick a fork in it. We're cooked.

And interestingly they have now been vaulted from the squad. Did he really need to see them being a calamity in match games before making that decision.

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