Bill Kenwright

Can you elaborate on that?
Yes I could.

I was invovled in a social meeting with an employee of the Club (still current), and one of my mates, who invited had me, knowing I was an Evertonian. For some odd reason, he isn't? He has 'local' loyalties!

During that 'meeting', I asked if they minded if II asked a few questions about the club. To which they agreed that I could. In the end, they did most of the talking, with just a few prompts after some initial questions.

I can confirm, that I was told that Bill had his 'acolytes', and since DBB became CEO she had hers. NB Remember who appointed her!

Apparently, the real divisiveness came from her, and it was Bill that had empowered her!?

In reality, Bill was the Gate-keeper of the Club, but she was the Key-holder. If you didn't fit into either faction, you were shuffled out, or watched like a hawk!

Anyone, and I mean anyone that attempted to rock the boat went, it was a typical 'Tall poppy' environment. If you stood out, you were cut down.

Everyone had to play ball, else you were shown the door. For example, see the Brands' saga, that'll never see the light of day, not even in his book.

As far as I have been made aware, there is half the current work-force with freshly printed CVs and the other half, going to and from the shredder machine and keeping their heads down.

Anyone can call me on this. It's water of a duck;s back. I've spoke with that person twice now, and my mate has assured me that they are Kosher.

Like any story, believe it or don't. I know what I've been told.

Trust me Daytripper (as a complete newbie here) I wouldn't type this if it wasn't true. WHy would I want to put a target on my back as a BS'er?
Yes I could.

I was invovled in a social meeting with an employee of the Club (still current), and one of my mates, who invited had me, knowing I was an Evertonian. For some odd reason, he isn't? He has 'local' loyalties!

During that 'meeting', I asked if they minded if II asked a few questions about the club. To which they agreed that I could. In the end, they did most of the talking, with just a few prompts after some initial questions.

I can confirm, that I was told that Bill had his 'acolytes', and since DBB became CEO she had hers. NB Remember who appointed her!

Apparently, the real divisiveness came from her, and it was Bill that had empowered her!?

In reality, Bill was the Gate-keeper of the Club, but she was the Key-holder. If you didn't fit into either faction, you were shuffled out, or watched like a hawk!

Anyone, and I mean anyone that attempted to rock the boat went, it was a typical 'Tall poppy' environment. If you stood out, you were cut down.

Everyone had to play ball, else you were shown the door. For example, see the Brands' saga, that'll never see the light of day, not even in his book.

As far as I have been made aware, there is half the current work-force with freshly printed CVs and the other half, going to and from the shredder machine and keeping their heads down.

Anyone can call me on this. It's water of a duck;s back. I've spoke with that person twice now, and my mate has assured me that they are Kosher.

Like any story, believe it or don't. I know what I've been told.

Trust me Daytripper (as a complete newbie here) I wouldn't type this if it wasn't true. WHy would I want to put a target on my back as a BS'er?

Ok thanks for clarifying 👍

Was pictured at the memorial service today (no images of DBB interestingly)
Do kind of feel a bit sorry for Sharpie, would hope when he returns for a match he’s not subject to a load of abuse.

I’m probably in a minority here but I don’t . His attitude stinks.

He bemoaned in his book how the club standards was slipping in the early 90s in particular highlighting a 6-2 defeat away at Villa then years later arrogantly tried to aggressively patronise anyone who did the same because he worked there and in the circle.

He could of been pragmatic, been amiable to both fan and club but chose to be a tosser instead either on the legends radio phone in or to fans not happy with the custodian he served. He openly mocked protesters , him and Darren Griffiths.

There are ways to go about things and he was unpleasant and highly arrogant imo. I Respect him as a player and that’s it.
Knowing Kenwright the man could've faked his own death.
Did you? Or are you just having a dig at a Recently Deceased Man that had the chance to do something the rest of us can only dream of and gave Everything to the Club and those connected to it? It is bitterness at its Very worst.

It was HIS train set and some people need to just accept that Fact, Get Over it and Move on with your lives whilst you still can.

Because the people who did actually know him and what he did they cannot speak highly enough for him.

Not at you specifically C K but some of the things I have read on here make me Sick and some people should be ashamed!!

I can only hope for their sake that none of his family have visited this Forum.

A tad rich coming from a poster who openly mocked another blue who admitted he had been sexually abused.

He only mentioned that after I had a go at him for referring to my Alzheimer’s suffering wife. Get your story straight. There are too many Kopites in this thread, they may wear blue but are no better….
