6 + 2 Point Deductions

@matty1878 went to bed in his Care Bear onesie an hour ago

30% of us blame @The Esk for getting us into this.

Complicated motorway speeding analogies are being amended every few minutes.

We all think Forest's proposed defence holds less water than our original something, something, interest rates, something, something, unnamed player defence.

Not forgetting @davek somehow finding a way to blame Keir Starmer for all of it.
Isn't he that fat lad who hangs around their Williamson square store smoking vapes between his arse cheeks?
When they last piped up after the first 10 point robbery, it wasn’t long before they lost the plot and all sense of their warped argument. They’ll get bored after a day or two and disappear back into that cesspit RAWK with the rest of the lurkers

I live in Dover and will be coming up for my first game since before covid on Wednesday. Was absolutely buzzing after I'd managed to get the time off and book hotel and tickets!

Now I'm worried it'll be a depressing evening and a toxic atmosphere with the Palace lot calling us cheats etc
Worry more about the weather, snow is forecast, if the game goes ahead it will be a great evening with Everton fans telling everybody interested that we will not be accepting this and the fight goes on against the corrupt premier league who make the rules up as they decide new ones without them being voted in by the twenty clubs who play in this league not just the six that matter————————— to the premier league!

Just looked at a forest forum they are in for a shock.
Havnt a clue the corrupt bollocks they are getting into.
Seem to think we have somehow cheated more than them.
Problem is the Premier league have set the bar now, with what they have done to us.
So they are well in the firing line.
They shouldn't have won them European cups back in the day.

If they were total spiv no marks like half the mid table they wouldn't have a target on them.
Like getting done for speeding 3 times and getting 9 points (3 for each). Then getting clocked again for 3 more points and getting another 9 because they added 6 points from your prior punishment.
