6 + 2 Point Deductions

The rules are still the rules for 23/24 though. Assuming there are more clubs that don’t breach than breach I don’t see why the teams that don’t breach would allow any sort of amnesty for those that do, it’s not in the interest of the majority to do so and they would argue they have made the effort to comply so why let off those that haven’t.

There’s a chance if there is a significant number of clubs in danger of breaching for 23/24 they could try to force an amnesty in exchange for their votes but I think that’s unlikely.
That’s key going forward. I was reading the other day that quite a few clubs have grave concerns about the 23/24 numbers due in part to the suggestion that the proposed EFL deal will push a few over due to clawbacks from the current seasons final payment fro broadcasting revenue

Most of us assume that it’s the £105 million figure that’s key and for clubs that are posting annual losses of close to £100 million it is but you then get a few clubs whose owners don’t want to put any additional equity in so find themselves having to if the go over £15 million. Each club differs but my point is just that every club will be looking acts what best for them particularly as just like when FFP and PSR were first introduced major concessions were factored in such as all contracts signed before 2010 discounted

Is the Forest case not a simple one? They overspent and they are claiming they did this to get maximum money for a player but they did breach.
Over spent in championship aswell is nore about the difference between the league i think but agree the johnson sale is pathetic if they even entertain that when we baisically had same with rich

I feel the Premier League have ruined this season completely at the bottom of the table & now want to change the FFP rules again ....

From their point of view, it’s prob a win mate, points deduction for us and Forest creates jeopardy and drama in a relegation battle, that elsewise wasn’t there, especially for us.

Contrived drama, Tune into Sky live and exclusive, there to tell us all what an incredible end to the PL season.
