As always, hats off to the media team, they are always on point with this type of stuff.
If that vid doesn’t hit you right in the feels, you are dead inside.
I was watching the Tifo video about Spurs and they were saying that cos a stadium is an asset, then any costs associated with it are just considered part of the overall asset value when completed. Am sure they phrased it better but its interesting that something costing so much money and racking up copious debt is actually considered a + on the balance sheet.
Edit: here's the video:
You know that twitter pic of him in the top left corner Tommy, well one of those stands you can see on the left the roof looks like a wave shape and it's held up by some kind of mast. I wonder if it might be similar to that
I’ll be pretty pissed off if he’s building it out of paper like
‘Sake Dan you utter biff