New Everton Stadium Discussion

It's literally The Everton Stadium.

It's not a dock anymore.

The club are concerned on two fronts:

1/ to get away from the infamy of that name. Clubs are very anxious to distance themselves from controversy...especially something as sinister as slavery.

2/ they dont want everyone calling it the Bramley Moore Dock stadium as they have a commercial partner to find to pay for naming rights to the site, and they dont want that overhang.
When or if Everton move again the stadium is being built as such that it can be returned to its original state as a dock.

So you are wrong once again.

Given the times we are living in and the way in which statues and monuments are being removed, I think you're right Dave. I think we will shy away from using the BMD name officially but I suspect it will still be used by fans regardless of the fact that we will probably end up in the USM Stadium.

Just a couple of issues that would still need to be resolved; firstly do we cover up the part of the dock wall which bears his name? Always thought it would make a pretty cool tee-shirt, by the way.

Another thing to consider (although this is nothing to do with EFC) is the name of the pub. Should they change their name?
I think there is Bramley Moore t shirts knockin about.

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 11.33.17.png

Squirt that fluidised sand.
It's literally The Everton Stadium.

It's not a dock anymore.

The club are concerned on two fronts:

1/ to get away from the infamy of that name. Clubs are very anxious to distance themselves from controversy...especially something as sinister as slavery.

2/ they dont want everyone calling it the Bramley Moore Dock stadium as they have a commercial partner to find to pay for naming rights to the site, and they dont want that overhang.
Seriously Dave, dont worry your head about this, its all out of yours and our control, Everton have this, we cant go around completely erasing all history or how will we ever learn? Its a dock and Everton are building on it and when the new stadium is named then i am sure it will be covered off and we are incorporating a reference to its history and trying to move on from it but its just a name!

what goes on inside that Stadium should be our only concern, let the powers that be cogitate and agitate over its History!

BRAMLY MOORE DOCK, Whats our Name?

and if you know your history and all that...............

the link for anyone who wants live tracking

It's more that you decided to derail a largely a positive thread, all for that regular dose of righteous indignation.

It got really nasty when this topic was last raised in here - when honestly, I don't think there's much controversy. Slavery was bad, slavers were bad, and we shouldn't name the stadium after one. Anyone who argues against that is an utter moron - and no one is here.

So I agree with your stance, but the club have explained what they plan to do. Let it go, or start a thread on this topic if you want to sit in that kind of poisonous vortex.
It's something the club take seriously and so do I.

The point I made was that an independent Everton forum is using the title "The Bramley Moore Project".

That's understandable early on in this scheme. But now we've moved on from that as the club takes control of the site and wants to impose its identity on it. I think we should be on board with that. We need to wrestle the site away from past egregious connections and detoxify it. Within the site on completion the connection will be presented as a past manifestation that wont be forgotten but now the club has it the location is reclaimed for the benefit of the community and wont ever be associated with a grasping inhuman bloodsucker.

We have to control the narrative on this or are opponents will.
