User Safety

Grand Old Team User Safety Notice

Grand Old Team User Safety Notice

Last updated: 11th February, 2025.

You can contact us any time using this email: This goes direct to the owner. Please do get in touch if you're concerned with anything, have complaints or if you feel we need to update this page.

We also suggest you read our Terms & Rules and also our Privacy Policy.

About This Page

This page outlines our commitment to user safety, ensuring a secure experience for readers of all ages.

Our Safety Measures

User Registration & Moderation

We enforce strict guidelines on acceptable content and apply an age gate to protect our community. To maintain a safe and welcoming environment, we have an active moderation system in place:

  • New User Monitoring: When a new user registers, their posts require manual approval for a set period until we confirm their legitimacy.
  • Advanced Security: We utilise security tools from Cloudflare and Geoblock to protect against malicious activity and ensure a safer forum experience.

Moderation & Community Guidelines

Our dedicated moderation team ensures that discussions remain respectful, inclusive, and constructive. To maintain a positive environment, we strictly prohibit:

  • Hate speech, discrimination, and personal attacks
  • Harassment, threats, or bullying
  • Spamming or excessive self-promotion
  • Inappropriate or illegal content
  • Trolling or disruptive behaviour
  • A more extensive list can be found via our Terms & Rules

To further support a safe space, we implement manual word censorship to automatically filter out obscene language. Additionally, we utilise AI-powered moderation to detect and reduce toxic or inappropriate content in real time.

Violations of these guidelines will result in appropriate action from our moderators, including warnings, content removal, or account bans where necessary.

Consequences for Rule Violations

To maintain a respectful and safe community, violations of our guidelines may result in:

  • Warnings from the moderation team for minor infractions.
  • Temporary or permanent bans for severe or repeated violations.
  • Content restrictions for disruptive behaviour, including limited posting privileges.

Reporting & Blocking Features

To ensure a safe and positive forum experience, we provide tools that allow users to report inappropriate content and manage interactions with others.

  • Report a Post: If you encounter a post that violates our guidelines, click the ‘Report’ button. This sends an alert to our moderation team, who will review and take action as quickly as possible. We strive to maintain an inbox zero approach, ensuring reports are addressed promptly.
  • Ignore/Block a User: If you’d rather not interact with a particular user, the ‘Ignore’ feature allows you to hide their posts and messages, helping you tailor your forum experience.

Account & Data Security

We prioritise user security and privacy, offering features to help protect your account and personal information.

  • Enhanced Login Security: Our forum supports passkey authentication, providing a more secure and convenient way to log in without relying on passwords. Additionally, we recommend using a strong password and enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra protection.
  • Privacy Controls: Customize your privacy settings to control who can view your profile and personal details.
  • Protecting Personal Information: Avoid sharing sensitive details publicly. Our moderators actively remove exposed personal information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, to help safeguard your privacy.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We adhere to GDPR and other data protection regulations, ensuring your information is handled securely and responsibly.