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  • Haha, well I'm deffo with you on the optimist thing - are we glutton's for punishment, or what? I've got a weird feeling that we will win tonight, but then draw the Red****e in the next round - it could well just be wind, though. Haha. Plus, we seem to be a bit of a 'bogey' team, for City. It may just all go our way, whether we deserve the win or not. Time will tell, but however things go - COYB!!!!!
    How do! Well, we beat the pie eaters, let's just hope that, some how, we manage a couple of good results from this week's games. Hmm, do you think that could be asking too much?
    Don't blame it on sunshine, don't blame it on moonlight, don't blame it on good times, blame it on Barbara - catchy! Haha.

    Well, we had a good pre-season last year and I thought we would smash the league up, so, because it's been a shoite pre-season this year.....I reckon we are going to smash the league up! Haha.

    Well, if we can't be optimistic at the very start of the season, when can we? COYB!
    A full season ticket?? WE'RE GOING TO WIN THE LEAGUE!! Hahaha.

    Well, if (sorry, when) we are at the top end of the table, challenging for a Champions League spot, you need to come on here and demand everyone thank you for it - Flippa, Everton's official mascot!
    Hahaha, true. Hopefully it will give you the confidence to post more now, though.
    I go through phases - sometimes I post loads, but others times, I just revert back to my lurking ways.
    It's especially tough to be bothered to post when, it's just alot of arguing over the same things, like it has been this Summer. Hopefully, the new season will bring a bit more variety of banter, although until the window closes and we throw some good results together, it still might take some time.
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