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  • if he is so blatant a wind up why did you ask to delete your account because he is deep in your psyche?? admittedly he should have the courtesy to buy you a little diamanté collar and take you for a lead every day as his personal pooch but he is not that type of owner. stop the yelping and see the light. i like you and it hurts **webs passing greyhound bus and slings into skyscraper**
    hey thomas you are a good reference point for me daily in that thread making snarky comments about davek yet getting yourself more crazed every time he posts. davek has you exactly where he wants you. running his errands for him.
    you have never referenced me ever, stop telling fibs and find something constructive to do with your time.....sniderman! pfftttt about as funny as a needle in the japs eye.
    the sniderman
    the sniderman
    be nicer thomas you little punk or i will crush you and make you cry to the mods to have your second named account deleted too. be nicer to everyone.
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