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  • Ive gotta say that was the worst performance Ive ever seen. They werent in it, no heart, half of them should be sacked straight away.

    Im gutted. What Fitzy is doing in the side I have no idea.
    Sorry mate, but the dark side it is! My family are all coastie supporters and I reckon I should be, but I havent been to watch them yet, but been to FC a couple of times. I havent picked really yet so Ill head up to Gosford and watch them this season when they play sydney.
    ive lived in Copa, East Gossie, Narara and my folks are in lisarow. Live in sydney nowadays. I went to Henry Kendall high back in the day!
    Alright Coyle, good to see a coastie on the boards!

    I grew up there myself, where u from?
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