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  • From time to time mate I have been known to wander!

    A good start to the season would have us all feeling better about ourselves. Here's hoping pal.
    The tories are in power mate, but at least you're surviving that's what counts.

    It's summer time mate and like most summer times the army of angst take over the board. It tends to stifle our quest for random irrelevance but I'm sure it will return with the onset of the new season upon on us. Hope you'll post more then lid.

    Back home for a wee while mate, so enjoy all the boss things about back home for the time being. Might even catch a game or two before I go back. We'll probably get tonked all over the show, ho-hum.

    Keep the faith lid,

    Keep at it mate, it'll pick up. Noticed your email address and checked out your website. Its not the best, when things pick up and if you want it improving, give me a shout.

    Cheers. I done Criminology.
    I'm a mgmt consultant - times are difficult for my profession. C'est la vie.

    heard about your degree, congrats! What did you read?
    Ah, good to hear about your children, shame about your business, fingers crossed it will pick up. What type of business you in? I graduate in two weeks with no work lined up - bad times I know.
    Our messages crossed there - guess it's Monday morning!!

    Overall not I'm bad - children on hols now for 8(!) weeks. They both had really good years

    Work is going to rat**** as I'm self employed and business is bad.

    Otherwise OK.

    How about you?
    Hi again GOT
    Jesus I think I'm getting alzheimers or something. I read that as How old are you? guess it must be on my mind.
    Add in an inadvertent click of the enter key and I'm having a bad morning - it was OK until I started this conversation:)
    Thanks for your comment. I don't expect any praise but it was nice of you to say well done.
    Thanks matey!
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