Remember being gutted as a kid when Tugboat turned on The Bushwhackers. Never forgave him, until the whole Shockmaster thing and then I just felt arlarse on him.
John Tenta and Fred Ottman to be inducted in to WWE Hall of Fame!!
About time! Particularly for Earthquake IMO!
I loved this tag team. Literally unstoppable the Natural Disasters were!
Day after a gig at the John Smiths Stadium in Huddersfield, I got a boss breakfast at this fancy little golf hotel I was staying at. Standard components, but you could practically taste the Yorkshire accent in the (proper butchers) sausage, and...
You’d be surprised how much of a cut he’d be willing to take when he sees a beautiful, (almost) new Toyota parked on his driveway courtesy of his new paymasters.
I’ve hated it a bit less in recent years purely because international footy meant no Everton, but now I don’t despise us quite so much I’m remembering how crap internationals are.