Recent content by degsy

  1. degsy

    Old Photos Of Where You Live

    Mossley Hill Church 1910
  2. degsy

    2024/25 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

  3. degsy

    2024/25 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

    ...and is fit enough on a consistent basis to do it
  4. degsy

    Old Photos Of Where You Live

  5. degsy

    Your favourite Sweet/Pudding ?

    Bakewell Tart and Custard
  6. degsy

    Cars today

    Well left-ish...maybe middle left, the rusty bit is the drivers side exhaust manifold
  7. degsy

    Cars today

    tbh it could've been my fault, I snipped 4 or 5 cable ties to get access to other stuff 😱
  8. degsy

    Cars today

    @chrismpw Stop presses, hold the front page. Here's the engine bay We zoom in to the top left corner. Could this be the problem? Certainly won't help!
  9. degsy

    Cars today

    @chrismpw It doesn't have a choke system in the way I think you mean it. As V8 it has what is sometimes called a 9th / extra or officially 'a cold start Injector' iirc this is controlled by 'simple' iirc, bi-metal thermocouple. But to all intents and purposes here in semi tropical Queensland...
  10. degsy

    Proper fumin’

    1981 rover SD1 3500 SE V8 with efi...commonly known as The Flapper Valve Still a classic (IMO) But with enough 45 yr old cheap crap BL 'electronics' and I use the word in it loosest sense. Old jags have similar stuff in them and you know what a pain they can be
  11. degsy

    Cars today

    1981 Rover SD1 3500 SE V8 with efi... commonly called 'The Flapper Valve' system Going by the engine number the engine was a tranplant from a Range Rover but don't quote me on that The problem; Starts ok cold Runs for a bit, anywhere from 30sec to 8mins Cuts out. I think it's 'electrical'...
  12. degsy

    Proper fumin’

    I've checked in the tank with an endoscope camera cleaned and drained it, replaced the fuel pump which was knackered, took the hose off the filter and sprayed petrol everywhere - good pressure / flow. I will check the fuel pressure relief valve for blockage though Nah, all clear I know It's...
  13. degsy

    Metro Mayor Steve Rotherham

    Done !
  14. degsy

    Proper fumin’

  15. degsy

    Proper fumin’

    You trying to cheer me up? @chrismpw tbh, it didn't 'feel' like an ecu thing. I'd had it running for 5, 6 mins to... a) test the newly installed cooling system for leaks b) see the temp gauge moving as the thermostat cuts in and out. The gauge was just coming up to 90c and it just cut out...