Recent content by ste d' indica

  1. ste d' indica

    Leighton baines

  2. ste d' indica

    Today’s Football - 2024/25 Season

    Wouldn't be at all surprised if Arsenal totally dominated this and then United spawn a result.
  3. ste d' indica

    Last Film You Watched

    "Ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere."
  4. ste d' indica

    ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

    Good point, well made.
  5. ste d' indica

    Places to avoid

    Holyhead is prettty grim but much of the island is quite lovely.
  6. ste d' indica

    ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

    I assume this was originally written on the walls of his cell. In excrement.
  7. ste d' indica

    What are you currently listening to?

    For all those what is in the house.
  8. ste d' indica

    Electronic music thread

  9. ste d' indica

    Single malts

    Another quality bottle from Sagamore @wm02 Bold, rich and spicy rye.
  10. ste d' indica

    ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 3

    Sure Neil.... sure they are.
  11. ste d' indica

    Electronic music thread

    what we gonna do right here is go back....
  12. ste d' indica

    Best responses to kopite taunts

    Whenever anyone tells me they're a Liverpool fan I usually respond with: 'I could've guessed that from your accent'.
  13. ste d' indica

    Today’s Football - 2024/25 Season

    Looks like a of Saints have given up at this point.
  14. ste d' indica

    Today's standard

    I suggest you make him watch a couple of games of The Big Match and have another run at this.
  15. ste d' indica

    2024/25 Relegation Battle (Without Everton!)

    I don't reckon any of that bottom three are breaching 30.