Grand Old Team

the sniderman
the sniderman
do u think it is possible for humans to remove their brain and soak it in corrosive fluid before returning to ur head and function as before?? i apologize if these words caused u genuine distress.
Paul Rideout
Paul Rideout
Do you think it is possible that the inference from the statement is to kill myself buddy?? do you think thats ok buddy?
Paul Rideout
Paul Rideout
@orly respectfully this is a subjective issue so your opinion is moot unless you're a moderator. This has been really bad form from him. And now every man and his dog from his chums needs to get involved?? can't he deal with it himself like an adult? Kind of done with it.
the sniderman
the sniderman
a metaphor about bleaching ur brain was not a signal for self harm buddy and u do a great disservice to those truly suffering by inferring this my friend.
Paul Rideout
Paul Rideout
you don't think someone who has struggles with depression couldn't infer that from your statement? As I said, done with this. You're not worth bothering about, but your consistent negative repping means that YOU won't leave this alone. you only have to look at rep history.

Again like last time, I'll let you have the last word. I'm sure you'll try and moderate what and who I give rep points to in the future.
the sniderman
the sniderman
buddy i mean this with a full heart when i say ur very wrong here. this is a wrong angle to take. u goaded me many times when i asked u to back off and u would not. it has led u here and now ur claiming i give people depression?? wow indeed buddy.
Paul Rideout
Paul Rideout
My god man, how do you make these connections. I never said you give people depression. I said your antics and sustained neg repping days after an event could cause someone WITH depression to leave the forum, which could be a negative for them. Don't [Poor language removed] spin it like that, thats underhanded and not correct to do. Just don't [Poor language removed] have anything to do with me thanks, you've crossed the line there.
the sniderman
the sniderman
buddy have u ever been told u have a propensity for victimhood?? as this is exactly what u are doing. despite u picking this with me i mean u no harm. even when u accused me of making people depressed as brother @orly also tried to tell u.
the sniderman
the sniderman
the sniderman
the sniderman
v dangerous people buddy.
Back off sniderchump or you will feel my wrath
the sniderman
the sniderman
buddy this is not in the spirit of #BeNice really.
I am your reckoning.
Paul Rideout
Paul Rideout
@orly I love dogs, got one myself. When did I talk about dogs negatively. Or is this a metaphor again? Edit: I see you were taking a common phrase out of context
the sniderman
the sniderman
ur arteries shall be ur reckoning u pitiful vat of calories.
the sniderman
the sniderman
that was for goat not paul.
Who's saying shizz about lovely dogs?!
Bob you very dangerous man