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  • Users: Tubey
  • Content: Threads
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  1. T

    Obligatory Leaving Thread

    Hey all, Being here a few years I thought I'd make one of these at long last! I've asked for my account removal. To those who've been ace on here, have a good 'un. I hope for everyones sake Everton are boss again soon. Take care. Lee
  2. T

    Worst Beer/Lager Ever

    Just saw Skol mentioned in the Everton forum, and Chang mentioned the other day, and wondered what the GOT consensus is on the worst ale out there? Or even a discontinued one. Carling, Chang, Skol and a homebrand Aldi one from uni I can't remember the name of for me are the worst, but I...
  3. T

    Underrated Sauces

  4. T

    Worst Individual Performances at Goodison

    I've seen the likes of Sigurdsson and Iwobi have proper shockers at Goodison in recent years, but was just thinking then and remembered the very worst Goodison performances from either side I can think of (beyond obvious ones like Nyarko/Koldrup) - it's this disasterclass from Paul McShane...
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    Tournament Predictor

    Anyone else tried this yet? Didn't give it much thought but this is how mine turned out:
  6. T

    The Clear-out

    Who would you most love to see never play for us again after this summer from the shower of mammary glands we have in the squad now? Keane, Sigurdsson, Iwobi, Gomes, Delph for me.
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    Are fans affecting the integrity of the league?

    Simple question really - Southampton looked 10x better with fans, Fulham did today... and we certainly did. With the stupid tier system, with some fans allowed, others aren't, is it harming the integrity of the league by having certain clubs having a massive home advantage?
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    Paint Stripping

    Alright DIY nerds out there. I'm going to try and strip paint off some stairs with a heat gun but I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Is there anything I need to know before I start, because once I do I obviously have to finish it. Ta. Oh, also, when painting plaster, what do you...
  9. T

    Football Is Dead

    That's pushed me over the edge. I'm done with the sport. There's no defending the blatant incompetency and corruption. How are we meant to invest time and energy into supporting the game when it's in this state. Totally, completely done. [Poor language removed] off.
  10. T

    The History Of GOT

    After posting pgheverton's immortal Trindon Holliday recommendation word for word in the transfer thread - and most people not having a clue what I was doing and assuming I'd been hacked - I'm thinking it's worth having a thread which summarises the best ever GOT moments. There's been a few over...
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    Microphone on Referees

    With Mark Halsey basically admitting to spot fixing and the suspicion that corruption is rife in the modern game with no accountability, would you like to see this in England?
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    Why do people hate them? They're bog-standard average to me, yet people hate them with a passion. Is it that lead singers bad haircut or something?
  13. T

    Sandwich Toaster

    One of these babies. Apparently up to half of all adults in the UK own one yet do not use it. Do you? If so, what ingredients do you use in it?
  14. T

    Phil Neville

    I loathe this utter urine stain of a human. Look at him... Yeah, nicely done 'Fizzer' - that's right, you're a top bloo you lad. Get lost you utter tossrag. Everything about him, from his stupid hair dye, pathetic stepovers and his fawning 'professionalism', tripping over himself to rim...
  15. T

    The Worst Fans In England Are...

    With West Ham fans being warned by the police not to phone them because West Ham lost, who are the all time worst of the worst?
  16. T

    Underrated Soft Drinks

    Rubicon Mango. Yours?
  17. T

    GOT - The Trading Card Game

    Found these on my hard drive whilst deleting por freeing up space - it was an April Fool's joke about a GOT app that I abandoned a year or so ago. So the stat on the right is attack, the stat on the left is defence - so you play a card to either attack or defend and the special text...
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    Least Favourite Abstract Noun

    Not a big fan of courage and sophistication myself.
  19. T

    Tax on Foreign Signings

    So China are implementing a 100% tax on foreign signings to halt the stupid money being spent over there. If a club is still stupid enough to sign a foreign player for big money, they'll pay the transfer fee over again and the money will go to grass roots development...
  20. T


    Ever fancied seeing Gary Lineker praise the Yorkshire Ripper for having a nice selfie? Or Purple Aki perhaps? Well done Walkers, boss social media idea that lads.