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  1. formerly manx toffee

    New Players - who is in Dyche’s First XI

    Here you go. Who floats Dyches boat ?
  2. formerly manx toffee

    Relegation Thread 2024/25

    Doesn’t look like there is a thread open for this season coming. Put in World Football as don’t think we will be involved in the shake down. For me I see Ipswich and Leicester going down and then Soton most probable from the rest. Another difficult year for the promoted teams.
  3. formerly manx toffee

    Sir Mark Cavendish

    About time the Manx Missile was recognised alongside the likes of Bradley Wiggins et al. He is revered across Europe much more than in the UK Good job Cav.
  4. formerly manx toffee

    What’s the world coming to … ? Husband and wife have a ruck on the prom. He hits her. She falls and hit her head. Dead. All in front of their 5 year old...
  5. formerly manx toffee

    Pottering in the Garden

    Just emptied lastly years pots. Might go to the garden centre tomorrow.
  6. formerly manx toffee

    The Case for the Defence

    Just looking at the table (again!). We have the 4th best defensive record in the league. We have conceded 34 goals in 26 games. Only Arsenal, Liverpool and Man City have less goals conceded. We have a settled 3 from 4 and it is paying dividends in Tarks, Branthwaite and Myko. Only RB is a bit...
  7. formerly manx toffee

    10 Goals a Season

    So as of now Doucoure has scored 5 goals and DCL 4. Both of these are likely to go on and get 10+ in my view. No one else has more than 2. Who do you you think we go on to get 10 ? McNeil maybe. anyone else got 10 goals in them ?
  8. formerly manx toffee

    The Australian Dream

    If this is too close to the bone mods then please delete. Did anyone watch the above Fim/Documentary on BBC2 at 10pm on Sunday ? A real powerful wake up call regarding the acceptance of passive racism in society. The film was about Adam Goodes a professional AFL player and winner of...
  9. formerly manx toffee

    Preferred Brand of Trabs (reprise)

    Seven years ago GOT voted on its favourite brand of trainers. Have your tastes changed. Same choices as March 2010
  10. formerly manx toffee

    Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

    just finished watching Hot Fuzz. Filmed in Wells where I got married. Easy watching and good fun. I like more of their stuff too, Paul, Shaun of the Dead, Worlds End, Run Fat Boy Run. Any other Pegg fans in ?
  11. formerly manx toffee

    Six Weeks Until Window Shuts - How Positive Are You ?

    OK - so we haven't seen a poll in 2 hours......snap shot. No points for showing your workings.
  12. formerly manx toffee

    Jermaine Defoe

    I have always liked Defoe as a player and a finisher. Always thought you got full value from his effort. Up until when he became involved with Bradley and his family I always had him badged as a bit of 'The Big I Am'. Bad taste in designer gear, sort of flaunting his wealth. How wrong I was...
  13. formerly manx toffee

    Great Music Videos

    just sat with my 12 year old who is watching MTV top 20. Last two songs haven't had a video only words like a karaoke. Jot me thinking of the all the great videos there have been out there. Post your favourites. Points for showing your workings. Go!
  14. formerly manx toffee

    PS4 vs XBOX ONE

    Ok so Christmas will arrive soon enough. My so is likely to squeeze me for a new console. Any views which is 'better' ?
  15. formerly manx toffee

    Gaming PC for a teenager

    Hey there geeks and nerds..... My young feller is looking for a PC Desktop for gaming for his birthday. Any views on what type I should be looking at ? I get drawn to a Dell Alien X21 but probably because I had a Dell before and ound it ok? Help me GOT you're my only hope.
  16. formerly manx toffee

    Backroom Staff - Gary Brabin

    haha...soryy guys....please delete thread
  17. formerly manx toffee

    Greggs winning pasty wars

    one for @Bruce Wayne ... Sayers dead (Open): Shares in bakery chain Greggs jumped 6% after it said strong trading over the Christmas period meant profits would be above expectations. Like-for-like sales at its stores were up 8.2% in the...
  18. formerly manx toffee

    Programming / Coding for Kids

    OK .... Nerd alert.... My young lad is 12 and spends a reasonable amount of time paying with his mates online and on Xbox and what have you. I'd like him to be a bit more productive than that with his computer time and wondered whether any of you lot had any experience of apps or downloads...
  19. formerly manx toffee

    New Posts Button

    Odd thing happened. I responded to the Rangers in admin thread...a poor response to be fair and not worth reading, but when I refereshed by clicking the New Posts Button the thread did not appear. Is this because I am the last poster ? I use to use the Recent Posts Button but that has...
  20. formerly manx toffee

    Olympic Sports that should never be....

    OK, so we are watching Sochi and it's great but Ice Dancing, it's not a sport is it. Technically difficult, but so is juggling. It got me and Mrs Manx on to what is or isn't worthy of being noted as an Olympic Sport. Everyone will have different views but what would you kill off from either...