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  • Users: flibbyflob
  • Content: Threads
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  1. flibbyflob

    John Williams Prom

    Simply the greatest thing ever from the Proms.
  2. flibbyflob

    SPOTY 2015

    Just blubbed like a baby during the tribute to those who left us as Howard was first up and Phillip Carter and Andy King were on the list. Made me remember our side from the 80's and travelling the country watching us with my brother and dad as kids. Brother died this year so it hit a nerve...
  3. flibbyflob

    Roll on September

    Be nice to sign a couple more if we have the funds but at least if it was September now we wouldn't have the ballache of the press hyping up a transfer for Baines/Fellaini to various clubs over the next few weeks. Excited for the season ahead after the decent summer we have had, just don't...