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  1. flippa

    Match Ticket Thread - Spares/Requests - FACE VALUE OR LESS ONLY!

    Still after 2 for Bournemouth if anyone can help? Thank you!
  2. flippa

    Match Ticket Thread - Spares/Requests - FACE VALUE OR LESS ONLY!

    I'm still looking for 2 Bournemouth tickets too, thanks everyone!
  3. flippa

    Match Ticket Thread - Spares/Requests - FACE VALUE OR LESS ONLY!

    Ho ho ho and all that...! I'm looking for 2 tickets to Bournemouth if anyone doesn't fancy the trek?! My dad lives down there now, and it would be a great Christmas treat if I can take us both to the match (although if it's anything like the bag of sh!te we saw at Southampton last season...:D)...
  4. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    This sounds awful, my heart goes out to you. I don't really have much advice, just wanted to send you a message to let you know I'm thinking of you. The only thing I've got to offer is, perhaps see if you can talk to her main friends, and express to them clearly how much of a trigger alcohol...
  5. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    I go on holiday alone all the time, and I love it- you get to choose your own agenda, and talk to people/ not talk depending on how you feel! A couple of options though, if you'd rather have people around; tour companies like Intrepid Travel and GAdventures run trips that you can sign up to as...
  6. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    love the idea of this book! It actually echoes one of the best bits of advice I got from therapy; when I was telling my counsellor about all the stress I have (from work particularly) she said "Have you thought about just caring less?" For some reason it really struck a chord. Ever since then...
  7. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Sorry you're feeling like this; the bit I've highlighted in bold really struck me because I'm sure lots of people will say to you "but you're great, we love the way you are" or "you need to be kinder on yourself/ learn to love yourself" etc- so here's my alternative viewpoint- why not try and...
  8. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Thank you so much for that- sorry for the delayed response, I was at a "boot camp" last week, which was very timely. Helped me get out of the negative thoughts (as I didn't have any space for them I was so exhausted). Saw parents last weekend, told them that I'm done with my brother now, it's...
  9. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    ...he'd been waiting for the right moment- and yet, not once in all those months had he bothered to pick up the phone, or, you know, perhaps send a message saying "can we meet/ talk, I've got something important to tell you." If it looks like bulls***, smells like bulls***, then yeah, it's bulls***.
  10. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Yes, I guess that's something I've been learning/ realizing over the past 2 years. I have been working really hard on working out my own terms etc, but it's incredibly hard when we used to be what others would term "a close family". Trying to unpick the toxic relationships within that dynamic...
  11. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Hey, I'm glad at least my post gave you the opportunity to voice these feelings. I hope eventually you get some resolution with them all x
  12. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Serious emotional turmoil at the moment. On top of the usual bullying at work, and trying to sell my flat, and all the other day to day cra@p that we all have, I found out last week that my brother is engaged, and has been for at least 8 months. And literally no-one in my family told me. No one...
  13. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Not crazy at all. Dogs are a part of the family, and a particularly loving, non-judgemental part of the family at that. You need time to grieve and that's totally normal. Hopefully that pain will fade and you will be able to remember all the fun things about him, the little quirks, and remember...
  14. flippa

    Lukaku - A Fond Farewell

    For once Everton get their PR image/ campaign sorted- shrewd setting up of events there- I'm almost enjoying that more than the comings and goings- shows that they've got a clear strategy for once. As for Lukaku, as others have said, yes he did a solid job for us whilst here, but never really...
  15. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Can you defer for a year perhaps? If not, I have to say I've never been asked to specify my degree grade at any job I've been at, and only one job (in the 7+ I've had) has ever asked to even see my degree certificate, and that was only because it was for a foreign government so I needed a...
  16. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    I had the same dose- it took almost exactly 4 weeks to kick in (and in the first 2 weeks I had some very weird moments, but they passed quickly.) When they did kick in, like @Jokerdan I just woke up one morning feeling light a fog had lifted. I remember calling my friend (who has been on...
  17. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    Sadly I don't live in the North West , but happy for anyone else to run with the idea.
  18. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    I meant more along the lines of someone from this thread just booking a space and offering it for anyone here. No referrals needed.
  19. flippa

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    I understand more now; yes, unfortunately in cash-strapped NHS sessions are limited, and it's definitely not usually long enough to work through really deep issues, for sure (I think I was allocated 12 sessions, I didn't even bother talking about my family, as I knew that we wouldn't even...