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  1. little curly alan ball

    12 Years

    Happy 12th birthday GoT. You've smashed it, Dan. #Peace <
  2. little curly alan ball

    Adverts you just can't stand

    June from the Sun Life ads. June is a wrongun. She coulda given the letter to the daughter at the front door but no, she wants the lot. There is a watch-list somewhere with June's name on it.
  3. little curly alan ball

    Congratulations Adam

    Congratulations Mr & Mrs Adam. Belter debut...
  4. little curly alan ball

    ECHO Comment: "Fears of Witch-hunt Against Liverpool FC" part 2

    What a fukn time to be alive...
  5. little curly alan ball

    Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

    This is possibly the best thread I have seen on G.O.T. Well in #Peace <
  6. little curly alan ball

    11 Years

    Happy birthday GoT. #AmplitudinemSemperApirent < #Pax <
  7. little curly alan ball


    Nice one people. I won't be posting on threads but I will be submitting some pieces to Dan intermittently on here. I'm sound thank you and I hope yous are all well. Also, there are a few books left behind the bar in the Winslow I believe. Stay right. #Peace
  8. little curly alan ball


    little curly alan ball submitted an update to GrandOldTeam's homepage Lost They say, it's the hope that kills you and let's be honest, as Toffees over the past 20 odd years we have had little else in the way of tangible positivity so hope was always our, any port in a storm as it were. Well...
  9. little curly alan ball

    The lopsided, back-to-front and upside down conundrum.

    little curly alan ball submitted an update to GrandOldTeam's homepage The lopsided, back-to-front and upside down conundrum. Recently I have had to cause to muse as to how this situation, campaign 2017-18 to date- with the roof metaphorically on fire not simply for our season but our club...
  10. little curly alan ball

    What are you currently listening to?

    Nah , Ill be here a week tops .. Need some pieces , excerpts an DMs ... After hat yous can go back o Hater Threads ... #IWASJOKINGFFS !!! Ta tho J'D .. In truth I READ the DMS off Our Kids , Nephews AN Off-Spring bt last Summer at 3 am.. I came on here at 5 am MAD AS A [Poor language removed] .. Poss a...
  11. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    Im LCAB Lad .. As Per .. GOOD to speak to you Boy
  12. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    IT WAS THE KIDS Lad , but fair enough . IT IS Me Motto , after all ..
  13. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    WITH RESPECT , an YOU KNOW I MEAN THAT , I HAD NO RIGHT OF REPLY AT THE TIME .. I was here , IM STILL FUKN UPSET abt it - IT WAS THE KIDS BTW .. Maybe I was wrong ... As I said .. No Biggy . Just puttin it out there
  14. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    No worries Mick . Had to ask Lad ... I GOT My Ideas ... #UEA
  15. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    Haha IVE JUST TOLD YOU BUT NOW THATS GONE TOO !!! Ask Me on Twits .. Sanme OL SAME OL ... Haha
  16. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    Sound Kid . No Biggy .. IT SAID ; Im here TEMP BUT If ANY OF YOUS MOUTHY FUKAS GIVIN IT LARGE to Our Kids in the Summer , I CAN MEET ANY OF YOUS TODAY .. It was still early like ... Bit late now maybes ...
  17. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    Did you delete my thead Mick ??? I aint Beefing , just askin ... It WERENT THAT BELLIGERENT was it ??? 36 Seconds , NEW LCAB GOT Thread Record ...
  18. little curly alan ball

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    Hiya Kid . LONG GD TIME , btw .. IM STILL The Guvnor .. What Up with You , Blood ??? Love You Boy
  19. little curly alan ball

    What are you currently listening to?

    Nah . Dont DO Forums .. I need some stuff is all an THIS WAS ALWAYS My FAV Thread ... Again , Nice One tho
  20. little curly alan ball

    What are you currently listening to?

    Mornin' Kid . Nah . Ive RAN My GOT Race Lid .. The Baton is LONG GONE .. Ta tho Fam