Let's make a list of reasons why this [swear word] should be shunned. If anyone has already bought tickets to see him, then I suggest the following and please do...... throw things at him until he leaves the stage..... for good before he gets dragged kicking and screaming out of that courtroom.
- A band (Estrons) pulled out of their support slot after he sent inappropriate messages to their singer
- According to a Facebook post, he got a restraining order in 2014, but this went unreported
- He says a Guardian journalist is investigating him raping and beating up a woman in his studio (which he denies and says is a witch hunt)
- He published the name and address of someone he says has accused him of rape
- He'd been warned by the police several times about harassment
- Catherine Anne Davies, aka The Anchoress, his previous partner has obtained a 6 month order against him after stalking her. He is not allowed to contact her, her partner or family and is not allowed to subscribe to anything in her name. The hearing will be in May allowing him to tour prior to this.
- He spent a whole year sending threats to someone on Facebook, threatened to come round where they live in Bristol, scared that person sheetless, and went as far as messaging that person's friends telling lies to them saying he (the Facebook user he harassed) slept with his now ex.
For quite a while I had been wondering whether it was him that Sophie Ellis Bextor wrote about in her autobiography, but that guy she had to do with seems not as psycho as Draper obviously is...