6 + 2 Point Deductions

BTW, all these briefs now about Everton appealing and have a case and it could turn into a transfer ban etc...

don't fall for it.

The PL will have their client jourrnos all week doing the carrot and stick caper whereby Everton are first threatened with more deductions next season or they may have this deduction over turned.


Keep focus on the protests regardless of what these chimps say - good or bad for us.
As always with politicians or quasi politicians, they will brazen out any storm hoping that another story overtakes it, if they’re still under pressure after 2 weeks, they tend to reverse themselves.

Gotta be honest, wasn't expecting Lennon to get involved...but needs must, raise the dead I guess
He is always with us. Just Squint yer eyes.

lime street.jpg

A fine??? Haha wouldn't that push our accounts further into the mire and make the ffp worse?
The fine could be similar in value to the prize money we lose though a lower position following the 10points. It would sound small in football terms. But £xx million is still a stinging penalty to a club our size. The financial non-sporting penalty ends up the same, but avoids looking like trying to relegate us and putting the club and its employees at risk. Surely not the purpose of the regs.

Should always have been a negotiated settlement behind closed doors, with no stupid political leaking to the media. We take our fair punishment for an accurately calculated breach. PL gets to look like they have enforced their regs which seems to be their only aim. The commission has gone power crazy, or has been influenced, or has just ignored all precedent, and shot its bolt all over the shop.
It will take more than that, but that has to be pretty high on our list of objections. They set out regulations that were the equivalent of saying when you rack up 5 yellow cards you get penalised, we have no idea what the penalty is but it can range from a 1 match ban to having all of your household pets humanely destroyed.

What did come over is that the commission didn’t like the fact that anyone dare suggest to them that they could be held back when it came to the sanctions. They deliberately chose not to use any measure save a rule that enabled them to award whatever punishment they felt appropriate.

My guess would be that one of the panel felt strongly and quite possibly convinced the others that such a draconian punishment was applicable.

To be fair not sure the facts will change or should I say the facts as interpreted but the punishment could well be amended significantly.

Add to that I suspect the shockwaves sent out by the deduction and the fact that quite possibly most clubs will be in danger of similar breeches in the future will mean that most clubs will not want to face the possibility of points being deducted.
Ian Byrne

In the motion, tabled by Mr Byrne on Monday evening, he slammed what he said was the commission’s “cavalier” approach to the punitive sanction it handed down and backed calls for an independent football regulator.

His motion, in full, read: “That this House condemns the grossly unjust points deduction imposed on Everton Football Club by a Premier League commission, a punishment lacking any legal or equitable foundation or justification for the level of sanction; notes that financial-not-sporting penalties for far more severe breaches have been applied, including the industry-and-community-threatening European Super League; declares that sporting sanctions unfairly punish supporters; notices the improper dismissal of extraordinary mitigating circumstances outlined by Everton; impresses on the House Everton’s investment in North Liverpool, its 2028 Euro Stadium, and the club’s long-standing, commendable commitment to Liverpool’s vulnerable; gravely remarks that these investments are now under threat; that this House contends the Premier League can no longer fairly govern top-flight football without independent scrutiny and legislation; asserts that the commission’s cavalier approach to points deductions necessitates acceleration of the introduction of the Government’s proposed Independent Regulator; urges the Government to immediately establish an Independent Football Regulator that will safeguard the future of the game, enforce compliance with financial regulation, and establish new guardrails for corporate governance, club ownership, fan engagement, and competition regulation; requests the suspension of all proceedings and sanctions made by the commission until the Regulator makes its own determinations; and demands fan ownership and board representation
It’s gathering no doubt in that. The premier league will now be under pressure from high powers then themselves to dish out according and just punishments. Maybe this is the ball starting to roll in our favour.

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