777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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It's weird the way it works though, they don't actually have the power to 'refuse' all they can do is set unmeetable conditions (they have done this) or hope that Moshiri see's sense eventually, or 777 themselves back out. This is part of the call for the regulator, they would have stopped 777 months ago, a large part of what the regulator will do is to stop chancers like this getting involved in club ownership.
While they can’t reject the PL need to be making it clear to Moshiri, in case it isn’t already, that they cannot and will not approve an owner whose other businesses appear to be collapsing in on themselves.

Must admit, it's getting a wee bit concerning now...

If this club ends up going into administration because of all of this then Moshiri needs hanging from the rafters at Goodison.
Will be alot more people who kno more on this than me but does it just mean that 777 and ehatever money has been put in. Will turn into shares then if this has happend talks can finally start with new parties if they dont meet the deadline. Also that moshiri will gave step up again, just seems to me opens up for a new bid but well moshiri will be looking for anyone not the right people


So even though it states that payments can't be made and that in turn regulatory authorities would be keeping a close eye on Everton with the possibility of administration, ignoring all that it says 777 needs Everton more than 777 need Everton.

Well that's plain wrong isn't it because we currently need 777 as they're paying the bills.
