No tory. I've worked in schools snd a tory government always meant I lost out in pay and had to buy stuff myself to teach kids because the school was broke.
Blaire was a lying control freak that set out all the cctv, speed cameras and spying network - it was becoming Orwellian under that closet tory. At least he invested in the country's infrastructure and started repairing public buildings.
Brown was the brain behind Blaire's successful economy. Cimpassionatevand insightful, his tenure cut short when a global banking collapse and recession caused by greedy US banks was pinned on him by the Mail, Express, s*n and other billionaire owned media and inexplicably believed by the voting public despite all the evidence to the contrary. He wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a liar and he wasn't a tory just working, as ever for the benefit of his mates and the gentry.