Player Valuation: Free Transfer
Am I the only person who thinks big dunc is the only man to make its move forward what is Nuno or potter going to do to make us better haven’t we learned from Marco silva it’s just a pay day for them and in a year or 2 they will leave with not a card in the world the only time I have seen our players really trying is when dunc was manager he the only man who loves the club and won’t take any [Poor language removed] from players who are just here for the money which is a lot of them to be honest I’m sick we’re even thinking of Nuno or potter they just don’t have anything special and no ties to our club why isn’t every toffee on here screaming for the right person who only has the best interest in our club or are we going to let someone who has done nothing special to come and just drag it out how long they can stay for THINK ALL THE BLUE MEN BIG DUNC ALL THE WAY