Maybe this should be posted in Support, but its a 2 fold post, 1 a need for help and the other a need for more peeps.
I notice if you turn the snow off you cant get the chatbox anymore, does this mean that when the snow goes, the chatbox will go? When is the snow going? And i hope the chatbox stays. If a Mod, could answer it would be swell, i love you all, please keep the chatbox.
And to all the rest of you, use the chatbox please!! Some idiot is ruling the roost and he needs bringing down to size.
Top Chatters
318 MikelsGoat
83 ToxtethBlue
74 Cal
65 TX Bill
61 HalewoodBlue_ver.2.0
Hope to see you all on the dancefloor.
I notice if you turn the snow off you cant get the chatbox anymore, does this mean that when the snow goes, the chatbox will go? When is the snow going? And i hope the chatbox stays. If a Mod, could answer it would be swell, i love you all, please keep the chatbox.
And to all the rest of you, use the chatbox please!! Some idiot is ruling the roost and he needs bringing down to size.
Top Chatters
318 MikelsGoat
83 ToxtethBlue
74 Cal
65 TX Bill
61 HalewoodBlue_ver.2.0
Hope to see you all on the dancefloor.