Valuation: £108 million
Having little else to do and generally being sad and pathetic, I've taken to watching reality TV in the form of Collen's Real Women. Has anyone seen this? It's hilarious, if you like watching Coleen repeat parrot-fashion simple scripts fed to her by the shows producer. Essentially, the show is about Coleen attempting to get 'real', meaning normal, women, into modeling campaigns. She seeks out such women, picks 3 of them, and the one who actually looks like a model gets the job. The fat or normal ones go home disappointed. But hey, at least they've met Colleen.
Classic lines:
Youz all ave dun ded well.
Ime proud of youz all.
Shes ded cute shes all in proportion. Youz cant nock her for dat.
Ime pleased to say theyve chosen one of youz for the campain.
Wat part of yor body do youz not like? Ive got short stubby legs me.
Bitchy of me, I know.
Classic lines:
Youz all ave dun ded well.
Ime proud of youz all.
Shes ded cute shes all in proportion. Youz cant nock her for dat.
Ime pleased to say theyve chosen one of youz for the campain.
Wat part of yor body do youz not like? Ive got short stubby legs me.
Bitchy of me, I know.