amazing that people with such injuries can get up and fight. High as kites the pair of them.
The poor HGV driver and others involved will have nightmares for years.
Road traffic collisions are accepted as part of everyday life, almost an acceptable cost for living life in the fast lane, living everything at double speed but the real cost of casualties is that hundreds of people are affected every time there is a serious or fatal collision.
The families and friends, the other casualties, the emergency services, the hospital staff and down to people like me who investigate road traffic collisions. By the time I get the details, the people involved are nameless statistics but each scene is a place where someone has lost their life or where someone's life has been changed for ever. That haunts me and my colleagues as we get on with our job of trying to find out what really happened.
Around 9 people die every day in the UK in RTC's, with many more seriously injured.
At least 80% of those collisions are due to driver error - inappropriate speed, misjudgment, avoidable distraction etc.
Many of those killed and seriously injured (KSI's) are avoidable if only people would drive more sensibly and with more respect for other road users and yes, very often, it's the innocent driver that ends up in the coffin while the drunk (insert your own favourite idiot) walks away with a scratch.
Rant over.