I'm interested in doing a little study on what areas of the city are the heartland for Everton support (for registered GOT users at least).
I think everyone has there pre-conceptions as Everton as the 'North End' club and from my experiences its true but at the same the slum clearances of areas such as Kensington and Everton have shifted people out the likes of Speke, Kirkby and Huyton as well as the gradual move socio-economic groups out to the suburbs etc.
What I'm looking for is for GOT users to give what postcode they most identify themselves with, this can be where they grew up or where they where born as apposed to where they currently live (I think its best to state which area you spent most of your pre-teens in)
Of course it doesn't have to just be L postcodes, CH or any others is fine (it might show if other cities have a significant support?)
So just simply just post your childhood postcode and try not to sway off topic! You can also Private Message me if you like. Once there is a good amount of replies I'll post the results.
I'll start us off with mine as L8.
I think everyone has there pre-conceptions as Everton as the 'North End' club and from my experiences its true but at the same the slum clearances of areas such as Kensington and Everton have shifted people out the likes of Speke, Kirkby and Huyton as well as the gradual move socio-economic groups out to the suburbs etc.
What I'm looking for is for GOT users to give what postcode they most identify themselves with, this can be where they grew up or where they where born as apposed to where they currently live (I think its best to state which area you spent most of your pre-teens in)
Of course it doesn't have to just be L postcodes, CH or any others is fine (it might show if other cities have a significant support?)
So just simply just post your childhood postcode and try not to sway off topic! You can also Private Message me if you like. Once there is a good amount of replies I'll post the results.
I'll start us off with mine as L8.