Everton transfer reliability guide


Staff member

Every transfer window, we get comments like this;

Yep, don't understand how his tweets are not blacklisted, just posts consistent nonsense. @GrandOldTeam ?

This thread is to help us create a working, community updated journalist and media reliability guide/tier list. It works well on other platforms (example) so we're pinching the concept to see how it works on here...

I figure we can submit sources in this thread, and discuss who are the kings, and weasels of the transfer ITK battleground. Submissions in this thread will be included on a poll, and we can all vote which tier they belong.

I've got us started with a few to provide an illustration;

Eventually, as it's built and substantiated with community votes - the guide will be shared at the top of the transfer thread to help give an indication on reliability. "This source said this...." and if people like, they can check how reliable the community believes that source is.

Tiers defined as the below.

Tier 1: Most Reliable
As close as it gets to receiving the news from an official source. These journalists are known for consistently accurate and well-sourced information.

Tier 2: Usually Reliable
Information shared by the source can be seen as trustworthy.

Tier 3: Sometimes Reliable
We're entering the hit and miss, 50/50 territory here.

Tier 4: Less Reliable
Untrustworthy journalists or media sources who could occasionally be right once in a while, but usually not the case. clickbait, sensational titles and so on.

Tier 5: Waste Of Time / Blacklisted
Clickbait with no insight or credibility whatsoever.

Tier Aggregators: There are not the original source of news, they merely report news from other sources. Please make the effort to share direct sources, rather than aggregators.

Feedback, and involvement very much appreciated. It's something we'll all need to chip in/develop to see if it's a worthwhile exercise for the forum.