This forthcoming Friday 19th August marks our once a decade festival of Snideday which sees posters pledge to give up something for the day for the benefit of the forum. If we recall in 2012 there were some notable contributions from @tommye who didn’t smoke anything for the full 24 hours, @Moomin was kind to the wrestling thread sex attackers and @MikelsGoat kept his calories under 4000 for the day. Those that wished to sponsor them bought high class art and jigsaws from the site to help server costs.
To celebrate this Snideday I shall be posting nicely and in a reasonable non hysteria prone nor antagonistic manner for the 24 hours.
What will you give up? And happy Snideday in advance.
To celebrate this Snideday I shall be posting nicely and in a reasonable non hysteria prone nor antagonistic manner for the 24 hours.
What will you give up? And happy Snideday in advance.