No honestly.... I had twins born June 95, tried to persuade the then mrs that the boy should be called Duncan Ferguson , but that was greeted with profanities etc.
Me an the missus couldn't think of a name for our little girl. We tried all the baby books, but they piss you off after 3-4 pages. So what we done is started reading the titles at the end of programs on tv. You find some weird an wonderful names that way.
When Corrie finished one day i was reading the titles and there it was.......
Amelia.... the most beautiful name, we knew straite away it was for us.
It means Princess and only royalty can be called it in poland........
We just liked these names (we nearly called Mattie Eleanor which I also like and is now very popular). Mathilda apparently means 'brave little maid' which, as it turns out, is a very appropriate name for my l'il darlin...she has the heart of a lion.
Rebecca Jane and Sarah Louise. And Joshua Adam, which when you add his surname, spells out Jac, which if u add a K was his Great Grandads name. My other son, who is no longer with us, had my middle name Michael and his Great, Great Grandads name Joseph.
Cos I liked them, I named all my children and I made them have my surname. I wanted them to have fairly normal names, cos growing up not many people had my name.