In the spirit of "Danny's Sunday Sermon".
Typically, when asked for your happy place - many would say Goodison (or Kirkby).
Scrap that. Where, on God's Green Earth, are you happiest or have happy memories. It might be as its stunningly scenic there, or the surroundings of that location mean something to you.
I like the northern coast of Corfu, theres a steep road that goes from sea level to the highest point and Ive done it on a moped a few times. Little sleepy Greek villages and loads of amazing views. F-ucking love it there.
Typically, when asked for your happy place - many would say Goodison (or Kirkby).
Scrap that. Where, on God's Green Earth, are you happiest or have happy memories. It might be as its stunningly scenic there, or the surroundings of that location mean something to you.
I like the northern coast of Corfu, theres a steep road that goes from sea level to the highest point and Ive done it on a moped a few times. Little sleepy Greek villages and loads of amazing views. F-ucking love it there.