This message has started to irritate me:
ilikecheese, You have been a member of GrandOldTeam for 832 day(s) now but have yet to post. Please be aware that we occasionally prune our membership by deleting inactive members - these being members who have never made a single post. To avoid this, why not say hello in our 'New Signings' forum? Click on this message bar if you wish to make an introduction thread...
Hello! American...HUGE fan! Great result today! I do like cheese...
ilikecheese, You have been a member of GrandOldTeam for 832 day(s) now but have yet to post. Please be aware that we occasionally prune our membership by deleting inactive members - these being members who have never made a single post. To avoid this, why not say hello in our 'New Signings' forum? Click on this message bar if you wish to make an introduction thread...
Hello! American...HUGE fan! Great result today! I do like cheese...