Lows - The world is at a crisis point both environmentally and politically. The ruling class have gone mach 10 in their quest to pillage the 99% and make us their drones. We no longer live in any sort of democracy, we live in a world where the media hypnotise the masses into believing that the few good guys are the enemy and the many bad guys are the people we need to support. The 'anti' woke' plan is full throttle and has succeeded in dividing an already fragile society. Racism, misogyny and homophobia are back where they were 100 years ago and climate change is that bad that even the great David Attenborough has had to shed a tear on air while begging us to stop killing the planet. Russia is annexing Ukraine and is capable of nuking the east of Europe, Iran is getting rowdy, North Korea and China are in the sea testing nuclear attacks while Taiwan and South Korea are panicking into getting in there first, wars which would have an untold loss of life and horrendous knock on effects when the US and then the UK has to go wading in.
Highs - I've discovered Trappist Beers.