Sack Sky and donate to GOT...donations are needed
This came up in conversation at the weekend, arising from our possible move to Kirkby. Before anyone kicks off, it will not happen, we are Everton and will remain Everton but, if say some quirk of European Community policy stating teams must be named from the locality its situated in, what would we become.........and it couldn't be KFC for obvious reasons.
Kirkby Town, has no ring to it, I'd go for Knowsley, simple and straight forward, you can choose anything you like including Merseyside but not Everton or derivations of that name. Humorous suggestions are also welcome, but only from fellow blues
Kirkby Town, has no ring to it, I'd go for Knowsley, simple and straight forward, you can choose anything you like including Merseyside but not Everton or derivations of that name. Humorous suggestions are also welcome, but only from fellow blues
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