Kevin Sheedy promoting Bowel Cancer Awareness

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Player Valuation: £50m
Great story on Kevin Sheedy's battle with Bowel Cancer.

Everton legend Kevin Sheedy says he survived cancer because he wasn't embarrassed to visit his GP

The former Toffees and Republic of Ireland midfielder wants men to get checked out if something is wrong because doing just that saved his lie

Former Everton midfielder Kevin Sheedy played a key role when the Toffees won two league titles in the mid-1980s, the European Cup Winners Cup and the FA Cup.

Now 56 and Everton’s youth coach, he developed bowel cancer four years ago. Here he tells how an early diagnosis saved his life.

As a professional sportsman, I’ve always been healthy and fit and tried to eat right. I am also quite a mentally strong person, so when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August 2012, I tried to stay positive.

Unfortunately, this form of the disease has been a big part of my family’s life. I had lost my mother to it after a late diagnosis two years earlier.

She was told it was irritable bowel syndrome, which happens quite a lot. When they found out it was cancer, it was too late to operate.

My dad was also diagnosed with it in 2005, but it was spotted early enough and he was able to have an operation to remove it. It was touch and go, but he’s a strong man and came through it.

Thinking back to my own experience, I remember hearing a lot of awareness about it in 2012, promoting the symptoms such as blood in your stools.

It was around that time I noticed I was going to the toilet a lot more and my wife Joanne noticed it was costing us a fortune in loo roll because I was always in there.

I was mulling things over, but the more I seemed to think about things and whether to see a doctor, the worse my symptoms seemed to get.

Read more: The 10 potentially life-saving health checks every man must do TODAY

I then started finding blood in the toilet and thought back to an awareness advert I’d heard
on the radio. I knew I had to book an appointment urgently.

I went to see my GP who arranged for me to have some blood and stool tests done, but they all came back clear. To get the news that everything was OK was such a big relief.

But my doctor said he’d send me for a camera test just to rule things out for sure. I am forever indebted to that GP for sending me for that test.

A few days later I went to Aintree Hospital for the endoscopy where they inserted a small camera into my bowel. I was expecting to get the all clear again.

But I noticed at one stage during the procedure they were taking a lot of samples, so alarm bells started ringing.

After that I remember being in a waiting room with quite a few people having the same procedure. One by one, people started to empty until I was there on my own. Then another group of people who had the same tests done came in and left one by one, so I started to really panic.

Eventually my name was called, and by then I didn’t know if I’d been sat there for half an hour or two hours. The next thing I knew I was sitting with my wife being told I had a tumour in my bowel that would need operating on.

A nurse said, ‘If you’re going to get it, you have it in a good place’. That’s all I can really remember.

I clung on to the hope the tumour was in a ‘good place’. It was about three weeks until I had the surgery and I decided to continue coaching the Everton youth team to keep myself busy, but it was on my mind all the time.

The positive message from the nurse kept me going, and myself and my wife tried our best not to entertain negative thoughts.

A few weeks later, I went in the night before the operation and remember watching Liverpool play on TV in the communal room. There were lots of other lads in there with bowel cancer and I realised so many in there were a lot worse off than me.

Read more: Sheedy beats cancer: Early detection and surgery save Everton hero's life

The thought there were people having really serious operations brought me back down to earth and really put into perspective how lucky I was that it had been caught early.

The operation the next morning took about three hours, and the surgeon told me they’d removed all of the tumour before it had spread elsewhere.

I didn’t need chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a colostomy bag and the sense of relief was amazing. But I couldn’t help but think how the others got on and whether they had been as lucky as me.

The doctors then explained how they had to send the tumour off and test for Lynch Syndrome, which detects whether my children would have an increased chance of getting bowel cancer.

Thankfully, the results showed they had the same chance as any other person.

Since then, and because of my position as a former player, I’ve been asked to make my story public to promote early diagnosis – and it’s brilliant to help others.

Over the years I’ve had letters and calls from people saying they’d listened to my story and their husbands went to the doctors and had been diagnosed and successfully treated. That’s brilliant to hear.

But men are often less willing to go to the GP because of embarrassment. But at the end of the day, that’s what GPs are there for and it does save your life.

For me, I had a doubly personal experience with bowel cancer because I watched my mother passing away for two weeks in hospital. There was nothing I could do and it was so hard.

But it showed me how bad it can be if you don’t get diagnosed early enough.

I still go back to the hospital regularly for routine blood tests. Over the three years since being given the all-clear, I’ve had two more camera tests.

I’m still coaching the Everton youth team and I’ve also been made an ambassador for Beating Bowel Cancer.

I’m glad I’m still getting checked, because it does always sit on the back of your mind. But the most important thing is to see your GP if you notice any symptoms. Doing that saved my life.”

Charlotte Dawson, senior nurse adviser at Beating Bowel Cancer, says: “Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer or colon cancer, is a cancer affecting the colon or rectum.

“Most bowel cancers start as benign growths called polyps, but some polyps become cancerous.

“Being aware of the symptoms of bowel cancer is vital. These include bleeding from the bottom or blood in your poo, a change in bowel habits,an unexplained lump in your abdomen, weight loss, tiredness, dizziness or breathlessness.

“If you notice one or more of the higher risk symptoms for three weeks or more, get advice from your GP.

“If diagnosed at the earliest stage, 97% of people survive five years or more. This compares to just 7% at a late stage. If the cancer spreads to other areas of the body, treatment becomes more complex.

“Checking bowel-related symptoms often involves looking at the lining of the rectum and colon using an endoscope – a long, flexible telescope fitted with a probe.

“There are three main treatments to deal with this cancer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.”

Beating Bowel Cancer provides practical and emotional help. Its confidential helpline is open from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and from 9am to 4pm on Friday: Tel 020 8973 0011 or email:
For more information visit
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