you cant beat it at work, coming across an 'arl mag collection. usually all the favs are in there fiesta, razzle, escort , parade etc.
i always reckon the best birds are in club so tend to go for them first. torture really when your in some dirty draughty factory on nights and your sat looking at birds who arent shy.
Reidy lad, I suvived many a lonely night in my single man room with this type of publication bought from the local porner shop. I have to admit it, i had qiute a stash, well over two hundred. but the wierd thing is...........i'd never ever bought a wank mag in my life. Ever!
These all date back to the middle to late 80's and were clearly handed down from the lads that left the forces.
The worst image (BIRD) ever was from a well ruffled Escort circa 1989-90., under the title........................
She was fit as [Poor language removed], bit af a latin thing goin on, but on the flip side, she had a teen wolf hair issue that needed to be addresed.
Needless to say, when I left her majestys finest (RAF), i gave strict orders to the next owner that he has a care of duty like no other, and to look after them. Bet they are worth a fortune now.
Oh, just one more thing..... Bring back good VHS porn, none of this multi-angle DVD [Poor language removed].