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I don't believe it is a chicken and egg situation Blue, although I will concede that the relationship between the two has become untenable, and ultimately one of them has to go. So Digne leaving at some stage is now inevitable unless the board has a remarkable and swift change of heart on Benitez.

But that's a different discussion for another day. What is maddening about this is that whatever has gone on between Benitez and Digne should stay within the club, not blurted out to the press. He's been dropping little snidey comments about his attitude for a couple of weeks now culminating in this disclosure today. There is only one reason for this and that is to deflect blame away from himself and on to the player, because he knows that Digne is one of our best players and popular with the fans. It is totally unprofessional and the last thing I expect from any Everton manager.

The chances are that Digne could still be with us come the end of the transfer window, and if he is, large portions of the fan base will be against him because of the managers comments today. It's just wrong in every way.
