The Dude
Player Valuation: £2.5m
Today I went to see my family back in Liverpool - half an hour on the train from Manchester, so just a day trip.
We went round the Albert Dock for a bit of a wander, and to see the superlambbananas there as some nephews and nieces are "collecting" them, or something.
At one point, I was walking past a black cab with it's passenger window down, and thought I heard the radio say "...The Yaaaaaaaak!!!!!" and the taxi driver went "YES, [Poor language removed] YESSSSS!!!!!".
I was a few paces past by this point, so went back and asked the score - got "[Poor language removed] TWO NIL MATE!" and a pumped fist in response.
But the best bit was that there were four other blokes all went over and asked at the same time as me - we were all stood there, just grinning going "[Poor language removed] nice one!". It was just a great moment in time.
My first Great Everton Moment of this season. b)
Made me miss the city, tbh. I was looking at those Liverpool One flats. £100k and no balcony? wtf? - reckon I might be able to afford a flat in Liverpool in a couple of years. Especially considering the rate they're being built at, and the current fall in prices.
Had two birds give me proper smiles and glad-eye while I was walking about too - never get anyone doing that in Manchester
Though saying I enjoyed Liverpool for the day, I didn't go into town at all really, and I did have to wait half an hour for a train, due to "vandalism", so the next one was PROPER chocker, then had a gang of scallys get on it next stop stinking of pretty [Poor language removed] nice skunk, so I was well jealous and had none on me ...
[/random scribblings after a really nice day out and a few joints]
We went round the Albert Dock for a bit of a wander, and to see the superlambbananas there as some nephews and nieces are "collecting" them, or something.
At one point, I was walking past a black cab with it's passenger window down, and thought I heard the radio say "...The Yaaaaaaaak!!!!!" and the taxi driver went "YES, [Poor language removed] YESSSSS!!!!!".
I was a few paces past by this point, so went back and asked the score - got "[Poor language removed] TWO NIL MATE!" and a pumped fist in response.
But the best bit was that there were four other blokes all went over and asked at the same time as me - we were all stood there, just grinning going "[Poor language removed] nice one!". It was just a great moment in time.
My first Great Everton Moment of this season. b)
Made me miss the city, tbh. I was looking at those Liverpool One flats. £100k and no balcony? wtf? - reckon I might be able to afford a flat in Liverpool in a couple of years. Especially considering the rate they're being built at, and the current fall in prices.
Had two birds give me proper smiles and glad-eye while I was walking about too - never get anyone doing that in Manchester
Though saying I enjoyed Liverpool for the day, I didn't go into town at all really, and I did have to wait half an hour for a train, due to "vandalism", so the next one was PROPER chocker, then had a gang of scallys get on it next stop stinking of pretty [Poor language removed] nice skunk, so I was well jealous and had none on me ...
[/random scribblings after a really nice day out and a few joints]