Anyone remember this from around 5 years ago when it was live from some old house on Halloween. I think it was one of the first ones.
Well anyway, they had all kinds of webcams setup and people were texting in (some may say to generate revenue for the channel) and saying they had seen an apparition on Webcam 2. Ok, turns out loads and loads had seen it. I never saw it, anyone I spoke to who watched the program didn't see it. But the hosts back at the studio were raving about something that appeared.
Why the [Poor language removed] didn't they just show the footage, do you know why? do you want to know why they never did? because it never [Poor language removed] happened. Scamming scumbags of the world unite. And please don't get me started on that Derek Acorah ****. [Poor language removed] me, mind you it was entertaining to see Girls Aloud swearing like dockers.