New Everton Stadium

I'm not one for conspirocey theory's, but...........!

Take two things that we have never got sponsored before the training ground and sleeve, 15 mill per year additional revenue the stadium just happens to be 14.4mill, the 15 mill coming from a Usmanov company.

It's all very coincidental. :)

Team Alex.

It looks like we are being run by financial wizards mate.

Kin buzzing here.
Surprised at the 50k after been told by a couple of people it would be 55k. The was talk of adding an extra 10k seats in the future too.
I bet that it'll end up around 55k.
Positing a 50k cap now allows scope for a fan consultation (good PR exercise) to raise the cap to circa 55k and sell it as listening to the fans who'll mostly want 60k+.
We possibly would mate, would we go about 60 though? Possibly not until we start to see real progress on the pitch. 50 isn't the definite figure as nothing's been set in stone but I'd guess for now 55,000 would be about right. Who knows slightly more with the tourist factor which may have an impact on big weekends if we play at home for example when the Matthew Street festival is on

If you say 60 now you're running a greater risk of it getting called in to an enquiry for congestion etc. Get it over the line first.

you don't know that though do you? And once again he gains more by investing it elsewhere as the interest is so low on this. Im stopping here. If you don't comprehend this that's cool.

But you don't know that though do you?

For all you know, he could pay for it out of pocket and the return on that investment once the club is sold could outperform those other investments you talk about.

Look, he's a smart bloke I'm sure he's done the maths.

All investments are about balancing potential profit vs exposure to risk. He already has a considerable amount tied up in Everton and if he can secure cheap funding and resist having to personally over-expose himself to 300 million worth of liability risk then why not.

I never disagreed with that.

But you completely misread one of my posts explaining that we would never go through the council if Usmanov, Moshiri or USM was going to be the third-party lended and you clearly thought I was complaining about Moshiri not paying out of pocket andgave me a snarky condescending reply which led to all of our conversation today in which you've persisted in being a condescending pillock.
Why couldn't Kenwright do a deal like this? Even for Kings Dock? It's not as if Moshiri's £1.8 Billion is supporting any of it

PODCAST: The Esk reacts to today’s events.
23rd March 2017

After today’s announcement that Everton will build a new stadium, Matt Jones sat down with The Esk to get his take on the developments.

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