New Everton Stadium

Taken off NSNO

In bullet points

- We've agreed to buy the land and peel have given it over to Everton. We will pay for it and it will become ours legally upon completion of the stadium.

- The council and Everton have jointly agreed to enter into an SPV (a company created for a single purpose). This company will go to the market to raise the £300 million with the council as the "guarantor" for the loan.

- The loan money will build our nice new stadium.

- The SPV will own the stadium but Everton will receive all revenues from running it.

- Everton will pay interest to the SPV to service the loan and also give a payment to the council for being guarantor. This will be £14 million a year in total.

- At the end of the term (is it 30 years?) the loan will be paid off and the SPV will be dissolved.

- Full ownership of the stadium will pass to Everton.

Thats all i wanted to read......

as long as we own the stadium after the 40 years!!!!
My concerns are the possible effect of things going wrong on the pitch. As outlandish as that seems right now, this is a long period of repayment.

Dont often agree with you Dave, which is sound as you prob wouldn't often agree with me, but I also have some concerns over the length of the loan and how quick fortunes and the landscape can change in footy. We have to move forward to reclaim our place at the top table again though so hopefully this does turn out to be the start to that path.
Brilliant analysis from @The Esk once again.

This being my favourite bit...

"It’s very capital efficient both for Everton, and also Moshiri himself. Successful business people excel at making capital work hard, and here’s an example of leveraging up on partners to make his investment in Everton most likely very profitable. For Everton it means not only do we have the funds for a new stadium but we have funds and resources available to continue the development of our squad given the stadium should be cash generative from the moment the doors open.

The scheme also allows us to keep all stadium incomes, participate in non footballing activities, arrange naming rights and potentially be involved in further developments around the stadium."

Summary of Everton, Peel and Liverpool City Council proposals for Bramley Moore
March 23, 2017

Already much has been spoken about the news today concerning Everton Football Club, Liverpool City Council and Peel Land and Property (Ports) Ltd.

I’m going to attempt to reduce it down to the minimum and explain the reasons why certain structures are in place.

Let’s start with the big news – the news that Everton Football Club and Peel have agreed heads of terms which will allow (subject to certain conditions) Everton to build our stadium on the Bramley Moore Dock site.

Briefly this is how the deal works, with explanations below:

  • Peel are offering a 200 year lease on Bramley Moore to the “funder”
  • Everton Football Club are responsible for finding the funder
  • The funder will offer a 40 year lease to a Special Purpose Vehicle created by the City Council
  • The funder is responsible for all the development costs of the stadium
  • The funder offers Everton Football Club a 40 year (less one day) sub lease. At the end of this lease Everton can buy out the remaining 160 years of the lease should we wish to do so
  • Everton pay rent to the SVP. This rent covers two elements, the financing costs and a premium paid to the SVP which covers the cost of providing a guarantee from Liverpool City Council. The financing costs are passed onto the funder and the City Council benefit from the guarantee fees.
The Funder

Who or what the funder is isn’t specified. It can be either a single financial institution like a bank or insurance company, a group of companies, or a high net worth individual or group of individuals. In return for the capital (in excess of £300 million) the funder will see a regular return of capital and income at market rates. Importantly the funder will have this return guaranteed by Liverpool City Council. So should Everton get relegated or football lose its current financial strength, the City Council guarantees payment. (There are security measures also to reduce the risk for the Council, more below).

The Special Purpose Vehicle

Often used in the commercial world. As a separate legal entity it allows businesses and public bodies to park particular projects or investments in a stand alone vehicle. In this case the SVP, owned by the Council collects the rent, pays the financing costs to the funder, and provides the Council with its guarantee fees.

The SVP serves to protect the interests of all parties, largely separate from their other activities.

The role of the City Council

The City Council plays a key role in this whole venture. By offering a guarantee it provides the funder with security against default, thereby reducing the cost of borrowing. As a guarantor the Council charges Everton a fee for providing the guarantee. The cost of the guarantee is calculated by considering the relative differences in the creditworthiness of both the Council and Everton.

The Council receives two benefits from being guarantor. Firstly it creates much needed income for the Council, somewhere in the order of £4-5 million per annum for the period of the lease (40 years). Secondly by enabling Everton to find a funder and thus the stadium development it goes along way to assisting the redevelopment of the whole area – a key objective of the Council.

The Council will also take security from Everton. In addition to the fees payable to the SVP Everton have to put funds aside to protect against future non-payment of their rent. This is not an unusual arrangement, Arsenal for example have a similar with their funders. In the event of this not being sufficient to meet liabilities, the Council will also hold a charge against future season ticket sales, and all other assets, including players.

Why would Everton go for this type of scheme?

As we get to know a little more about out our major shareholder it is very clear that he brings a level of innovation and sophistication to our business dealings that we’ve not seen since the days of John Moores. A number of things strike me about this deal. It’s elegant and thought through, benefiting all interested parties.

Firstly it’s a great enabler – a scheme backed by guarantee from the City Council, further backed by the resources of an ambitious and likely successful football club is a highly attractive lending proposition. Thus competition should be high and interest costs highly competitive.

It’s very capital efficient both for Everton, and also Moshiri himself. Successful business people excel at making capital work hard, and here’s an example of leveraging up on partners to make his investment in Everton most likely very profitable. For Everton it means not only do we have the funds for a new stadium but we have funds and resources available to continue the development of our squad given the stadium should be cash generative from the moment the doors open.

The scheme also allows us to keep all stadium incomes, participate in non footballing activities, arrange naming rights and potentially be involved in further developments around the stadium.

For the Council, it’s cash generative and is the enabler of significant future development in and around the area – a key objective. This is a highly attractive proposition for the City be in on doubt about that.

The Hurdles

There are self-evidently still hurdles to overcome. Financing I don’t see as an issue given the comments above. Planning, again should not be an issue given the Council support, but it’s fair to say this is the greatest risk or variable to the project. Finally there’s the standard project risks of time management, cost control and mitigation of unforeseen problems. One would think on the evidence to date, Moshiri will bring in a highly competent project management team to deliver on time and in budget.


It’s estimated the SVP will take another 3 months to be agreed, meanwhile we continue with Dan Meis the stadium design including fan engagement according to Elstone today. Planning is anticipated early in 2018. All being well that might see us playing our first games at Bramley Moore (insert sponsor name here) at the beginning of season 2020/21.

What does it mean for our future?

Simply – everything. It will move us onto the next level in every sense. Our finances will strengthen, our ability to generate income will increase, and we’ll be a highly attractive club, still in touch with our community, still doing great work, but and perhaps as this is our raison d’etre, most importantly being competitive and winners once more.

The club has changed hugely in 13 months with more change to come. Today is a huge, necessary and brilliant step in the next stage of our redevelopment and I for one cannot wait….

So basically aslong as we pay that years rent we can use the funds is what I gather from that? Sounds reasonable and nothing to worry about tbh.

Not a worry as things stand, but if revenue got tight, it means certain revenue streams are ringfenced before we can get them. But this is the same with anything, you make sure your mortgage is covered first and foremost, and the system just transfers the risk from LCC to us.

But nah, not a major worry, just a point of interest. Reading through the report for the 3rd time, and keep spotting new interesting bits.
This is much further along than is publicly known. All parties are onboard and the progress will be faster than expected.

i think it is too! surely the fact that Dan Meis fella is already on board and has been for months. Designs must be done or close to done.
and if the council get behind the financing then i cant see them standing in the way when it comes to Planning permission.
i think it is too! surely the fact that Dan Meis fella is already on board and has been for months. Designs must be done or close to done.
and if the council get behind the financing then i cant see them standing in the way when it comes to Planning permission.
So the part about fan consultation was fluffity fluff?

So the timeline of what needs to happen:

- submitted to cabinet for sign off

- borrowing secured

- planning permission sought

- due diligence on build

- infrastructure such as roads, train stations etc built

- stadium build

- we play there

Quite a few hurdles to go yet though eh.

I reckon we'll produce plans after it has been ratified by council and cabinet. Dan Mei's has already suggested that a certain amount of fan consultation has already taken place, so I think the designs are there, can't produce them though in case it falls through so hopefully we should see it in the next couple of weeks
Think the Esk article summed up the main bits pretty well, although he says planning is anticipated in 2018, and EFc statement actually said planning approval hoped for in early 2018.

But the 20/21 season in BM seems to be the aim, as the report says we've given LCC projected cash flows for 3 more years at GP, then for 40 years in BM.

Said it before but what initially seemed to be very little concrete info at 5pm, there's actually a lot given away between all the statements and the LCc report.
I reckon we'll produce plans after it has been ratified by council and cabinet. Dan Mei's has already suggested that a certain amount of fan consultation has already taken place, so I think the designs are there, can't produce them though in case it falls through so hopefully we should see it in the next couple of weeks
Really? Like whom exactly did they consult?
I'll guess those conservative types with little vision or risk-taking, that will settle for the 50k stadium for their pathetic reasons that suits the Board?
i think it is too! surely the fact that Dan Meis fella is already on board and has been for months. Designs must be done or close to done.
and if the council get behind the financing then i cant see them standing in the way when it comes to Planning permission.

No doubt that design(s) have been done - certain people have already seen them

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