New Everton Stadium Discussion

Tbf you can see the whole stage. Whilst it's obviously better to not have a letterbox view it really doesn't change the experience unless you like to spot airplanes when you are at a gig.

She's just got buyers remorse for spending that amount of money and being so far away. Surely she got it from a tout as no way they could charge that much being that far from the stage?
I totally get what she’s saying and would feel the same way. I went to see Green day at Wembley last night we were sat in the middle tier, near the half way line and it was a fantastic experience. Seeing the whole stadium light up towards the end when people switched on their phone torches and the arch changing colour in the background definitely added to the experience.
The concourse area was also really good, very spacious and easy to get served (won’t mention the prices mind).