Player Valuation: £50m
Are we hoping to hear an announcement at the end of this month(stadium design thing from Manchester), or at the end of next month at the clubs AGM?
Bizarre that the site can be used as an outdoor music venue, a warehouse nearby can be converted into apartments & a hotel can be built in the vicinity, but you can't build a football stadium due to imagined H&S concerns? I'm sure there have been people on here who have worked at the water treatment plant who say the smell is not from there. Surely it's from the molasses further up the road? Anyway, isn't there a treatment plant at Croxteth too? Maybe it's the boards fault the process has taken so long. They're only interested in sites near to water treatment plants, must reduces our options a bit.
Are we hoping to hear an announcement at the end of this month(stadium design thing from Manchester), or at the end of month at the clubs AGM?
It's just been made up. There is no public health issues at all.
Cheers mucker. Ah well, another month won't hurt...AGM. Won't be the stadium design thing as Meis said on Twitter the designs won't be ready by that point and they won't be in attendance.
Given that the last few pages of the thread are devoted to the subject, how am I making up the issue?
Perhaps the Council are not comfortable with the public health issues ( re having the stadium and a sewerage plant cheek by jowl). Is that why they are 'enforcing' SC as the new site.?
Have they said anything about it being used for the Commonwealth Games? I am not a big fan of athletics stadia doubling as football grounds but I can understand the financial pragmatics. Have the Council given a firm figure as to how much of the SC development costs that they will put up?
I have to admit that the thought of Liverpool getting the Games is quite exciting and I would definitely be a visitor. Is SC far from the City centre?
If public health issues deny the stadium being built at BM, you can understand why SC is being entertained. The Games' bid might or not might not be a red herring, but it does sound like the Council are 'lining the ducks up' for SC.
If the Council has declined EFC a dock stadium build on the grounds of public health issues, I find it a little far-fetched to suggest LFC will be granted permission to build dock-side.
Has anyone actually sighted the health and safety report? Until today, I was unaware that the Council had conducted such analysis.
If indeed the Council has scuppered the BM build on public health grounds I suggest it's rather unfair to lay fault at the feet of Farhad.
The proximity to the sewerage processing plant was always likely to present health concerns and the Council are right to describe these.
Not sure where that leaves EFC now, but the recent makeover of GP (happily) dictates that there is no pressing urgency on the matter.
I suggest we wait and see what the CG bid brings...
You would imagine so. By the look of things, while a sewerage processing plant occupies the site, no development of the type Peel envisaged, will be permitted.
The terrible stench of faeces is a protective thing...STAY AWAY. But the smell does not carry disease...touching and ingesting faeces will however transmit it. Airborne bacteria?...not a significance in faecal matters. Why the Council harbours safety concerns is a little perplexing. Perhaps they are more unhappy at the aesthetics rather than actual threat. They don't want visitors to go to a new development and return home saying the city stinks of pooh.
Either way, the sewerage plant looks to have put the kibosh on immediate riverside development.
Rather than rush off to SC though, I'd prefer we bide our time at GP... get a good lie of the land so to speak
I think you've concluded similarly to me. The public health 'caveat' is more of an aesthetic consideration whereby the Council must want to protect citizens and tourists from the terrible stench. Actual risk of getting epidemics of disease from the plant won't be the reason for their apparently stopping any nearby development
Just from the tone of recent discussion. I have no idea as to whether the sewerage plant proximity presents an issue to the Council but from reading this thread it appears it does
Nope just trying to ascertain how you've come to your factual assumptions....palAre you seeking objective rational and logical associations?'re in the wrong place pal
AGM. Won't be the stadium design thing as Meis said on Twitter the designs won't be ready by that point and they won't be in attendance.
Bill and Farhad arrive at Bramley Moore dock for their sight seeing visit.
...looks like a goer.
Apart from the high incidence of Black Death in the immediate vicinity . You mean you haven't heard ,well.........It's just been made up. There is no public health issues at all.
I know it's made up just curious to know what member of Public Health England has determined this on the site.
It's pathetic that someone has actually stated this has a cause for concern
A public announcement of a land agreement on the waterfront does not necessitate a final stadium design being in place.
Think you take things a little seriously pal.Nope just trying to ascertain how you've come to your factual assumptions....pal
Or perhaps you like to recycle sh!t like the plant on the waterfront site