cheers thomas, as least it will be a group bumming.
I'll take me hammer in case they need a lift doing the cladding
☆cheers thomas, as least it will be a group bumming.
I'll take me hammer in case they need a lift doing the cladding
No need to resort to abuse, I quoted the elements of which you claimed you never said.
I've not said the BU are spot on. But, it would be good to have fans engagement to not have another desperation Kirkby or an issue with regards to ticket pricing like Liverpool had which caused some issues.
They were being very naughty boys. They both deserved sending to their rooms and no supper. A damn good thrashing wouldn't go amiss.
Violence is never the answer.
They were being very naughty boys. They both deserved sending to their rooms and no supper. A damn good thrashing wouldn't go amiss.
Oh I agree..Violence is never the answer.
Secret code for vigorous bummingOh I agree..
Not wanting to get involved in this, but, destination Kirby did have fan involvement and dialogue.
What we need more than anything is a design team thats allowed to design to the best of his abilities, with only one instruction. Give Everton the best possible stadium you can, cut no corners. Nil Satis Nisi Optimum. We dont need fans to tell them that. If they do, then they're not the right design team.
20 years ago...we've come along way since this......
Or maybe we haven't.......
You should defo risk it mate, you can always go the Lisbon if you don't get i going to get bummed? I may risk it,
I remember sending my vote off...what a waste of ink that was...I remember that, going to be on Kirkby Golf Course.
I remember sending my vote off...what a waste of ink that was...